Tuesday, July 28, 2015

cardboard --> METAL!!!!

take two steps forward, two steps back.. opposites attract, something with a dancing cartoon cat?  The 90's were blurr.

Anyway, so sorry for the delay in the project.  So I've been hemming and hawing, go forward and just deal with crappy shots?  Something changed my mind, a gottlieb freddy - nightmare on elm street.  It has REALLY good flow, and a very simliar setup to my project in that there's a flipper in the middle right, and a captive ball in the upper right.  The only exception is that they put it all the way against the right side which makes for a nice sort of floating ball after it hits the captive ball and transfers the energy.  This makes it much easier to hit the ball where you need to without having to cradle it.  It also means being able to hit the captive ball easily with the left flipper, giving it another shot to aim for (so it's not such a heavy right flipper game).

So there's flow, and then there's my mantra of (cardboard just isn't representative like metal is)
So I've taken the top playfield off again to concentrate on the main playfield.  I've discovered whacking the back left wall has caused a crack and seperated it from the rest of the backing.  I may have to nix the wall altogether and just extend the posts and rubber, then add some sort of wall behind that.  I've also decided rather than making the left orbit not flat, but rather a ramp that brings the ball up on top of the organ captive ball ramp, and dumping the ball into the loop-da-loop shot (unless you soft plunge, then it'll end up in a cluster of pop bumpers).  Making the left loop orbit shot higher up on the playfield has opened up more space on the left more shots too!

The loop-da-loop ramp is getting better, but it still needs some work (and a longer side wall).