So I finally feel like I've got the space filled a bit better. I still have targets to put in front of the edges of rails, but that's a small detail. In order to get up to the balcony, you have to aim for the orbit, which allows you to shoot into the far left with the right flipper. This path (not shown) will go up a small ramp, and dump into a hand that pulls the ball up to the balcony. If you drain, the ball travels down the violin neck (decided to get rid of the body as this takes up too much playfield space), which feeds into a subway tunnel and pops out into the right dead area. I haven't quite figured out what I want to do with this space yet (if I had multiball, this would be an ideal spot for ball locks). Couple more toys I've added since are a drum set that spins on the left, and a microphone to the right (will make the distortion sound when you knock it over). I also want to add stage lights in the upper right to make it feel more like a concert. Haven't decided if I'm going to just mount them stationary, or actually have them rotate during the game.
Also here's the violin neck I got off ebay
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