Sunday, March 8, 2020

You see... IEC

One thing that really bothers me about early solid state, the crappy way they did the plug.  It comes up from the cabinet, goes up through the hole, then you have to get it in that channel just right so the backbox doesn't pinch it.  Or you FORGET to do that, bolt down the backbox, and go "CRAP! I forgot the linecord!"  Well screw that.. I'm installing an IEC connector on the back, because I can.  Got out my multimeter and set it to continuity to check which pins are which.  Looks like the back of the IEC connector directly correlates to a standard plug.  Got the port installed by drilling some holes and opening it up with a jigsaw, now I just have to solder the old linecord to the IEC connector and I'm all set.

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