Wednesday, February 10, 2021

back to basics - simple flippers

So not only has Scott Danesi posted about using system 11 flipper mechs with EOS switches for doing your layout:

But also this guy's page:

Now granted, this does not give you any control over flipper power, you can't have delayed gobble holes, but if you're JUST trying to get your playfield laid out I agree this is really the best way.  You don't have to deal with a computer booting, loading code, it's just direct power from switch to flipper.  I figure this will also eliminate any excuses.  There's no reason I can't wire up 3 flippers to my power supply

So even though I have flipper mechs (which I can use on my next project), I went ahead and bought three of these flipper assemblies, plus an auto plunger mech from pinball life (picking it up this friday).  The auto plunger exists on, however I noticed nobody has really modeled up a flipper mech so I'm probably going to do that and upload it.

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